Introducing No. S - A New Salted Collodion Based on the No.Z formula but slower for better control outdoors with a fast lens.
No. S is the result of extensive research conducted over several years to uncover the intricate interactions between the components in salted collodion and the properties they contribute. This combined with research unavailable during the prominence of wet plate collodion has revealed the strengths and weaknesses of various formulas. UV Photographics has harnessed this knowledge to create a superior collodion with desirable properties that wet plate photographers seek: speed, tonality, stability, cleanliness, ease of pouring, and ease of development.
Photographers prioritize different qualities in collodion, but a slow, unstable, and flat formula is not what most shooters are seeking. No. S addresses these concerns and offers a range of benefits that will elevate your wet plate collodion experience:
No. S is formulated to be a stop slower that No.Z so that if you are shooting outdoors with a fast lens, it is easier to get the correct exposure without a shutter.
Stable: This collodion maintains its speed and strength for an extended period of 12-18 months, providing consistent results over time.